
The Machete Group was founded in 2009, in conjunction with the launching of Machete Magazine and the establishment of Marginal Utility Gallery by David Dempewolf and Yuka Yokoyama.  It originally emerged out of a series of conversations between the gallery and the founding core members of the group:  Gabriel Rockhill and Alexi Kukuljevic.  Avi Alpert joined shortly thereafter.  The primary activities of the Machete Group initially included writing Machete Magazine and running a series of collective and participatory symposia under the heading “Thinking the Present.”

The evolution of our projects has lead us to diversify our activities. While continuing our work with Marginal Utility, we have begun collaborating on projects with other galleries, including the Slought Foundation and the Institute of Contemporary Art.  We have also staged our performative symposia at other venues around the world, including in Berlin and Paris.  Finally, we have begun making contributions to exhibitions at various galleries (see Projects). Marginal Utility Gallery now oversees the publication of Machete Magazine, and members of the Machete Group–although less central than at its inception–continue to make regular contributions.

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